Tax Manager, Alexander Lazzaruolo recently spoke at the Hospitality Financial Technology Professionals, Long Island Chapter meeting on November 20, 2019 held at the Huntington Crescent Club. The topic of his… more
News and Events
Dan Condon speaks at Metropolitan Golf Association
Dan Condon recently spoke at the Metropolitan Golf Association’s Presidents Council Fall Conference, at Brae Burn Country Club on October 21, 2019. The topic of his speech was “A Wellness… more
HFTP Annual Conference Orlando, Florida
Partners, John Daum and James Gilson spoke at the HFTP Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida on Friday October 25th, 2019, on Major Accounting Issues with Clubs
John Daum and James Gilson speak at Texas Lone Star Chapter CMAA
New England Golf & Country Club Conference
Partner, Dan Condon spoke at The New England Golf & Country Club Conference on June 6, 2019 held at the Charles River Country Club in Newton, Massachusetts.